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Thanks again, may God bless you in all you do, and please alway live a positive
LIFE !!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

the God of the second chance

In Jonah 3:1 we see that the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time, and it was no different from the first time (recorded in Jonah 1:2). God told him to go to Nineveh and preach to the people there. God gave Jonah a second chance.

No matter how long we avoid God's instruction, it is still there for us to deal with when we stop running. Eventually we see that being in God's will, not out of His will, is what brings peace and joy to us. We have to surrender our own wills because walking in our self-centered ways keeps up unhappy.

Running from difficult things never works in the long term. I know a woman who ran from everything in life that was difficult. She ignored things she needed to deal with, including abuse in her home. She lived in fear and had a very miserable life. She ultimately carried so much turmoil, she had a complete mental and emotional breakdown. Pretending that her problems did not exist did not make them go away. They were there, pressuring her all the time. God was trying to lead her to deal with her conflicts, but she would not trust Him enough to do so.

God never leads us anywhere He cannot keep us. If God is leading you to deal with a unpleasant situation in your life, do not run from it. He promises to be with you at all times and never to leave you or forsake you.

Surrender to God can be frightening when we first begin to practice it because we do not know what the outcome will be if we yield ourselves to God's will. However, once we have surrendered and begin to experience God's faithfulness and the peace that passes understanding, we learn quickly that God's way is better than any plan we could ever devise.

Not knowing exactly what will happen in the future, but trusting God to take care of us and enjoying peace, is far better than erroneously thinking we have life all figured out while continuing to live in fear and anxiety. To enjoy peace with God we must become comfortable with not always knowing what the future holds.

There is no such thing as trust without unanswered questions. If God is leading you to do something difficult, just begin to take baby steps of faith, and after each one He will show you what to do next. We do not have to have a entire blueprint for the future; we do not need to have all the answers. All we need is to know the One Who knows, and that is Jesus Himself.

Page 1408 The Everyday Life Bible
The Power of God's Word for Everyday Living
Amplified Version
Featuring Notes and Commentary By: Joyce Meyer

Please always remember God loves you, with a unconditional , unchanging, everlasting love. Always run to God, trust Him with you life. have faith in Him.

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