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Thanks again, may God bless you in all you do, and please alway live a positive
LIFE !!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 28, 2012

A Delay Is Not a Denial

My times are in Your hands, deliver me from the hands of my foes and those who pursue me and persecute me.

(Psalm 31:15)

When we pray, we don't always get answers right away. Sometimes we have to wait a long time, but that does not necessarily mean that God is saying no to our request. It is very important to trust God's timing in all matters concerning ourselves and our lives. Perhaps you have been waiting a long time for a breakthrough in something you have prayed about and the silence of God has brought confusion into your life. Please remember that God is not the author of confusion. He wants you to trust Him, not be confused.

Many delays are "divine delays." They are designed by God to do a work in us that needs to be done. If we continue serving God faithfully even during times of darkness we develop strong godly character. Think of Joseph, who waited thirteen years to see the answer to his prayers; or Abraham, who waited twenty years. If they had given up they would never have enjoyed the reward of their trust in God. God may not be early, but He won't be late. most things worth having usually take longer than we thought they would, and are more difficult than we think we can endure. But, God does know exactly what He is doing and He wants you to trust His timing.

God promises to deliver us from our enemies, but while we are waiting we need to pray for them and be a blessing to as many people as we possibly can be. God is working while you are waiting.

GOD'S WORD FOR YOU TODAY: Learn to wait peacefully or a lot of your life may be miserable.

Page 271
Hearing from God Each Morning
365 Daily Devotions
By: Joyce Meyer

Please always remember God loves you very much and you are very important to Him.

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