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Thank you so much for visiting my blog, and please remember you are more than welcome to follow this blog if you like, so you can come back here and read some good word, and listen to some good music when ever you want, for that extra pick up we all need every now and then.

Thanks again, may God bless you in all you do, and please alway live a positive
LIFE !!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Her Name Is (Akiane) - And She is Creating Paintings That God Told Her To Paint.

Please make sure to read my blog, and then, please Click on to
******* (Akiane-Creating A Painting web site link below) *******
You never seen anything like this before Now!

Please, take some time, and take your time, and take a look, at this ( Special Little Girl), Who's Paintings Come From God Himself thought her. She said God speaks to her, and tells her what to Paint. If you are a believer in God Father, God Son, and God The Holy Spirit, you can automatically see that God is working thorough this little girl, and Believe that God is working thought her. You can Look at her paintings, and listen to her voice, tell you her stories, and know that God is working thorough her. No Doubt About it. I am a Believer in God Father, God Son, and The Holy Spirit. If you are not a believer yet, still take a look at this( Special Little Girl ), and maybe, you will start Believing, that anything is possible, when it comes to Beleiving, and having faith, in God.

Always Remember that God Loves You!!!!
God bless you, and your, and have a Awesome Day!

Now click on to meet Akiane below, and let her paint give you Hope, Peace, and Joy.

Akiane - Creating A Painting

1 comment:

  1. What are the odds?! I have been thinking about this amazing little girl for a week or so and could not remember her name. I just remember seeing her on Oprah and wondered what had happened to her. And now I know!
