I would like to welcome you to my positive word blog, please read, listen, and enjoy, God bless you!

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Thank you so much for visiting my blog, and please remember you are more than welcome to follow this blog if you like, so you can come back here and read some good word, and listen to some good music when ever you want, for that extra pick up we all need every now and then.

Thanks again, may God bless you in all you do, and please alway live a positive
LIFE !!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Good Words

Speak out to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, offering praise with voices [and instruments] and making melody with all your heart to the Lord. (Ephesians 5:19)

The King James Version translates today's verse: "Speaking to your selves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord." I like to apply this Scripture both ways. The way I speak to myself is important, and the way I speak to others is important, too.

It is easy to fall into the trap of talking about negative things, problems, disappointments, and struggles. But none of that helps us stay filled with the Sprit and none of that reflects what the Holy Spirit wants to speak to us because He is not negative in any way. Even when He speaks to us about a problem, He speaks to bring a solution; He does so to bring us comfort and strength. The more we think and talk about our problems, the weaker we become, but we are strengthened as we talk and think about Jesus and His promises to us.

Life is not always easy; we all face difficulties at times. God has filled us with His Spirit to enable us to do difficult things with ease. When you are going through a hard time, keep you ear tuned in to the voice of God. Speak the positive things God say to you through His Word and through the voice of His voice of His Spirit in your heart. We all feed on our own words so it is very important to speak good words that are full of life.

GOD'S WORD FOR YOU TODAY: Choose your words wisely today, for they have the power of life or death.

Page 280
Hearing from God Each Morning
365 Daily Devotions
By: Joyce Meyer

And please always remember that God love you with all His Heart!

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