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Thanks again, may God bless you in all you do, and please alway live a positive
LIFE !!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Let God Lead You to Life

I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses, therefore choose life.

(Deuteronomy 30:19)

In John 16:8, Jesus said the Holy Spirit would "convict and convince" the world about sin and righteousness. He didn't say anything about the Holy Spirit bringing condemnation. He said He brings "demonstration... about sin and about righteousness."

The Holy Spirit reveals the results of sin and the results of righteousness so people may understand which path to follow. He makes clear distinction between right and wrong, between blessings and curses, and between life and death so people can ask God to help them choose life.

People who live in sin have wretched, miserable lives. I occasionally run into people I knew years ago and haven't seen in quite some time. Some of these people have not been living for God and the rough, rugged lifestyles they have chosen have taken a toll on them. The sour, sad, miserable choices they have made are visible because sin has left them looking sad and often older than they are. They are unhappy, negative, and discontented individuals often filled with bitterness because their life has not been a good one. they fail to realize that their life is the direct result of bad choices they made.

The result of sin may be observed everywhere. The line between those who love and serve God and those who don't is becoming quite clear. god pleads with us to make right choices, ones that will lead us into the life He desires for us to enjoy. There are two paths before each of us: a broad path that leads to sin and destruction and a narrow path that leads to life (see Matthew 7:13-14). I encourage you to choose life today and every day.

GOD'S WORD FOR YOU TODAY: Good choices become a good life.

Page 352
Hearing from God Each Morning
365 Daily Devotions
By: Joyce Meyer

And please all ways remember God loves you. Say it to yourself everyday day, God loves me, God loves me, God loves me.

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